Ron Austin Bio

Ron Austin was born in Hollywood in 1934, and was a writer-producer in films and TV for over forty years. In the 1990s he taught screenwriting in the graduate program of the USC Cinema School and later conducted a media arts workshop at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley.

A Roman Catholic convert, Ron began working for Catholic Social Services in the 1980s as a counselor for homeless men in Hollywood and later served as a prison chaplain.

He is the author of three books: In a New Light, Peregrino and Star-Crossed, all published by Eerdmans.

He has also contributed to several anthologies and journals and two new essays will appear in 2017 in First Things and the Image Quarterly.

A member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, he is the recipient of a life-time achievement award from the Writers Guild of America. Currently, he is a member of the College of Fellows at the Dominican school in Berkeley and serves as the president of the Ruskin Art Club, Los Angeles’ oldest art society.